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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Faber Paper Covered Editions
2Baillie, D. M.God was in Christ1948
3D'Arcy, M. C.The mind and heart of love [2. Aufl.]1954
4Gill, EricThe Necessity of Belief : an enquiry into the nature of human certainty, the causes of scepticism and the grounds of morality, and a justifi...1936
5Happold, F. C.Adventure in Search of a Creed1957
6Hebert A GApostle and bishop1963
7Jenkins, Daniel ThomasThe Protestant Ministry1958
8Jenkins DanielThe Christian belief in God1964
9Landau, RomPersonalia1949
10Mitchell, DonaldThe Language of Modern Music1966
11Morison FrankWho moved the stone?1952
12Reckitt, Maurice B.Maurice To Temple : A Century of the Social Movement in the Church of England ; Scott Holland Memorial Lectures 19461947
13Reckitt, Maurice B.Prospect For Christendom : Essays in Catholic Social Reconstruction1945
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