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# Person  Titel Jahr
1From Canberra to Harare : an illustrated account of the life of the World Council of Churches 1991-19981998
2Faith and Order Paper
3Resource material for churches and communities : A multi-lingual collection of publications on HIV/ AIDS [CD-ROM]2004
4Risk Book Series1978-
5Handbook, Guide, Handbuch : Fourth Assembly, Quatrième Assemblée, Vierte Vollversammlung ; Uppsala 19651968
6Your Kingdom Come : Mission Perspectives ; Report on the World Conference on Mission and Evangelism in Melbourne 1980 [2. Aufl.]1981
7Your Will Be Done : Mission in Christ's Way ; Study Material and Biblical Reflection1988
8WSCF Books
9Castro, EmilioCome Holy Spirit Renew the Whole Creation : Six Bible Studies ; On the Theme of the Seventh Assembly of the World Council of Churches1989
10Castro, EmilioTo the Wind of God's Spirit : Reflections on the Canberra Theme1990
11Cope, Brian E. u.a.The Ecumenical Movement : an anthology of key texts and voices1997
12Duraisingh, ChristopherCalled to One Hope : the Gospel in diverse cultures1998
13Flesseman-van Leer, Ellen u.a.Jewish-Christian dialogue : Six years of Christian-Jewish consultations ; the quest for world community: Jewish and Christian perspectives1975
14Fung, RaymondThe Isaiah Vision : An Ecumenical Strategy for Congregational Evangelism1992
15Habib el Masri, IrisThe Story of the Copts1978
16Kessler, DianeTogether on the Way : official report of the eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches1999
17Lazareth, William H.Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry1989
18Lazareth, William H.The Lord of Life : theological explorations of the theme 'Jesus Christ, the Life of the World'1983
19Lochhead, DavidShifting Realities : Information Technology and the Church1997
20Müller-Fahrenholz, GeikoPartners in Life1979
21Newbigin, LesslieTruth to Tell : the Gospel as public truth1991
22Newbigin, LesslieThe Other Side of 1984 : Questions for the churches1984
23Niles, D. T. u.a.A Theological Reflection on the Work of Evangelism ; Bulletin Vol. V ; No. 1-21959
24Sieger Derr, ThomasEcology And Human Liberation : A Theological Critique Of Teh Use And Abuse Of Our Birthright1973
25Stockwell, Eugene L.International Review of Mission
26Stockwell, Eugene L.The San Antonio Conference1989
27Strong, Robbinsfrom Mexico City to Bangkok : Report of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism ; 1963-19721972
28Study GuideMy Neighbour's faith and mine1986
29Thompson BettyA chance to change1982
30Thorogood, Bernard G.Gales of Change : responding to a shifting missionary context : the story of the London Missionary Society 1945-19771994
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