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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bible Study Commentary / SU, CLC
2The Covenant Life Curriculum
3Bridger, Gordon1 Corinthians-Galatians1985
4Campbell, DuncanPrix et la Puissance du Reveil (Le)1960
5Finney, Charles GrandisonSanctification1949
6Goldsmith, MartinLeviticus - Deuteronomy / M. Goldsmith1981
7Grubb, Norman PercyLeap of Faith1962
8Grubb, Norman PercyNothing Is Impossible1976
9Law, WilliamThe Power of the Spirit1973
10Rogers, Isabel WoodThe Christian and World Affairs1966
11ST John PatriciaCroire... ça s'apprend2005
12Wallis, ArthurIn the Day of Thy Power : the Scriptural principles of revival1956
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