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1 - 30 von 32
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1A Compass Book
2The Orchard Books
3A New Catechism1967
4Baker, Augustine u.a.The Cloud of Unknowing : and other treatises by An English Mystic of the Fourteenth Century1960
5Cameron, J. M.Images of authority1966
6Cianfarra, Camille MaximilianThe War and the Vatican1945
7Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy 11946
8Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy 21950
9Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy 31953
10Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy 41960
11Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy 51961
12Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy1960
13Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy1968
14Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy1966
15Corbishley, ThomasReligion is reasonable1960
16Cox, RonThe Gospel Story1960
17Dhanis, EdouardThe Supplement to a New Catechism1969
18Drinkwater, F. H.Teaching the Catechism : an aid-book for teachers1958
19Dunphy, WilliamThe New Morality : Continuity and Discontinuity1967/1968
20Dussel, EnriqueThe Church in Latin America, 1492-19921992
21Dussel, EnriqueA History of the Church in the Third World1992-
22Egenter, RichardThe Desecration of Christ1967
23Faber, Frederick WilliamThe Foot of the Cross : or, the sorrows of Mary1857
24Knox, Ronald A.Holy Bible1955
25Knox, Ronald A.Occasional Sermons of Ronald A. Knox1960
26Knox, Ronald A.The Pastoral Sermons of Ronald A. Knox1960
27Lou, Tseng-tsiangWays of Confucius and of Christ1948
28Müller, AloisObedience in the church1966
29Rahner, KarlEncyclopedia of Theology1975
30Thurston, HerbertSurprising Mystics1955
1 - 30 von 32
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