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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Lutheran Voicesum 2007-
2Aageson, James u.a.The Future of Lutheranism in a Global Context2008
3Aarflot, AndreasHans Nielsen Hauge : His Life and Message1979
4Beckmann, David M.Where Faith And Economics Meet : A Christian Critique1981
5Birch, Bruce C. u.a.Bible And Ethics In The Christian Life1976
6Forell, George W.Christian Social Teachings : A Reader In Christian Social Ethics From The Bible To The Present1971
7Frambach, Nathan C. P.Emerging Ministry : Being Church Today2007
8Hertz, Karl H.Two Kingdoms and one world1976
9Hoffman, BengtLuther and the Mystics : A re-examination of Luther's spiritual experience and his relationship to the mystics1976
10Hulme, William E.The Dynamics of Sanctification1966
11Lochman, Jan MilicSignposts to Freedom : The Ten Commandments And Christian Ethics1982
12Luther, MartinLuther's Large Catechism1967
13Martinson, Harold H.Red Dragon Over China1956
14Pilgrim, Walter E.Good News To The Poor : Wealth And Poverty In Luke-Acts1981
15Schmid, HeinrichThe Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church1961
16Schwarz, HansOn the Way to the Future : a Christian view of eschatology in the light of current trends in religion, philosophy, and science1972
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