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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Man From No Place : The dilemma of a shop steward in search of a revolution who found one on his own building site.[1968]
2Die Neue Welt
3"Babylon the great has fallen!" : God`s Kingdom Rules!1963
4Balthasar, Hans Urs vonKennt uns Jesus - kennen wir ihn? [2.]1980
5Begbie, HaroldTwice-Born Men : A Clinic in Regeneration ; A Footnote in Narrative to Professor William James's "The Varieties of Religious Experience"1909
6Berger, Peter L.Der Zwang zur Häresie1992
7BibelBiblia Sacra1927
8Bornkamm, GüntherPaulus / von Günther Bornkamm1969
9Calver, CliveThinking Clearly Series
10Campbell, AnnejetListen for a change1986
11Campbell, PaulA Dose Of My Own Medicine1992
12Carmody, Denise Lardner u.a.Contemporary Catholic Theology : An Introduction1980
13Clines, David John AlfredJob 38-422011
14Davie, GraceThe Sociology of Religion2011
15Deutscher, IsaacStalin : A Political Biography1977
16Freedman, Amelia DevinGod as an Absent Character in Biblical Hebrew Narrative2005
17Fulbrook, MaryPiety and Politics : Religion and the Rise of Absolutism in England, Württemberg and Prussia1983
18Gossai, HemchandStudies in Biblical Literature
19Green, PeterThe Town Parson : His Life and Work ; Being the substance of the Pastoral Theology Lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge, an...1924
20Heimsoeth, HeinzDie sechs grossen Themen der abendländischen Metaphysik [5.]1965
21Hoffmeier, James K.Israel in Egypt : The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition1996
22Iacocca, Lee u.a.Iacocca : An Autobiography1984
23Inge, W. R.Diary Of A Dean : St.Paul's 1911-1934
24Johne, KarinWege zum Wesentlichen : Grundkurs Meditation1992
25Kopelev, LevThe Education Of A True Believer1978
26Kubina, VeronikaFreiburger theologische Studien1979
27Küng, HansDie Kirche1967
28Lang, PeterGlaube und Denken : Jahrbuch der Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft 2011 ; 24. Jahrgang2011
29Lean, GarthCast Out Your Nets : Sharing your Faith with others1990
30Lüders, MichaelDer Islam im Aufbruch?1992
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