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# Person  Titel Jahr
2Brandt, Peter u.a.The Shape of the Writings2015
3Chapman, Stephen B. u.a.Siphrut : Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures
4Freedman, David NoelPsalm 119 : The Exaltation of Torah1999
5Japhet, SaraFrom the Rivers of Babylon to the Highlands of Judah : Collected Studies on the Restoration Period [2. Aufl.]2011
6Knoppers, Gary N. u.a.The Pentateuch as Torah : New Models for Understanding Its Promulgation and Acceptance2007
7Kofoed, Jens BruunText and History : Historiography and the Study of the Biblical Text2005
8Lipschits, Oded u.a.Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period2006
9Loss, MyronCulture Shock : Dealing with Stress in Cross-Cultural Living [2. Aufl.]1985
10Na'aman, NadavAncient Israel's History and Historiography : The First Temple Period ; Collected Essays, Volume 32006
11O'Connor, Michael PatrickHebrew Verse Structure1980
12O'Connor, Michael Patrick u.a.An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax [10. Aufl.]2006
13Widmer, MichaelStanding in the Breach : An Old Testament Theology and Spirituality of Intercessory Prayer2015
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