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# |
Person  |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | | Living Studies Series | |
2 | | Scripture Press Adult Training Hour Series | |
3 | | Learning for Living | |
4 | | The Living Bible : paraphrased | 1973 |
5 | | The Thailand Report on Buddhists : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on reaching Buddhists | 1980 |
6 | | The Thailand Report on People of African Traditional Religions : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on re... | 1980 |
7 | | Living Books | |
8 | | Lausanne Occasional Papers | |
9 | | The ESV Study Bible : English Standard Version | 2008 |
10 | | The Systematic Theology Study Bible : English Standard Version | 2017 |
11 | | The Willowbank Report : Report of a Consultation on Gospel and Culture | 1978 |
12 | | Short Studies in Biblical Theology | 2015- |
13 | Alcorn, Randy C. | Heaven [CD-ROM] | 2004 |
14 | Armstrong, John H. | The Compromised Church : The Present Evangelical Crisis | 1998 |
15 | Bakke, Raymond J. | The Thailand Report on Large Cities : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on reaching large cities | 1980 |
16 | Baylis, Robert H. | My People : the story of those Christians sometimes called Plymouth Brethren | 1997 |
17 | Beckwith, Roger T. u.a. | The Origin of the Bible [7. Aufl.] | 2009 |
18 | Bell, James S. u.a. | No-Brainer's Guide to Jesus | 2001 |
19 | Benson, Clarence Herbert | The One True God : Father, Son, and Holy Spirit | 2004 |
20 | Beyerhaus, Peter P. J. | God's Kingdom and the Utopian Error : Discerning the Biblical Kingdom of God from its Political Counterfeits | 1992 |
21 | Bliates, Apostolos D. | The Thailand Report : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on reaching Nominal Christians Among Orthodox | 1980 |
22 | Brandt, Henry R. | Build a Happy Home with Discipline | 1965 |
23 | Brandt, Henry R. | Building a Christian Life | |
24 | Brandt, Henry R. u.a. | Building a Christian Home | 1960 |
25 | Catherwood, Christopher | Five Evangelical Leaders | 1985 |
26 | Chester, Tim u.a. | Total Church : A Radical Reshaping around Gospel and Community | 2008 |
27 | Clem, Bill | Disciple : Getting your identity from Jesus | 2011 |
28 | Coleman, Robert E. | The Coming World Revival : your part in God's plan to reach the world | 1996 |
29 | Coleman, Robert E. | The Master's Way of Personal Evangelism | 1997 |
30 | Collins, C. John u.a. | Understanding Scripture | 2012 |