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# Person  Titel Jahr
1A One Evening Condensed Book
2Belli, HumbertoBreaking Faith : The Sandinista Revolution And Its Impact On Freedom And Christian Faith In Nicaragua1985
3Berthoud, Pierre u.a.Freedom, Justice, And Hope : Toward a Strategy for the Poor and the Oppressed1988
4Maddox, CatherineHealing Hands in Thailand : the story of Manorom1964
5McDonald, H. D.Salvation1982
6Murray, AndrewFull and Joyous Surrender : the secret of power in the Christian life1959
7Payne, LeanneReal Presence : The Christian Worldview of C.S. Lewis as Incarnational Reality1988
8Payne, LeanneThe Broken Image : Restoring Personal Wholeness Through Healing Prayer [10. Aufl.]1987
9Schaeffer, EdithLifelines : The Ten Commandments For Today1982
10Schaeffer, Francis AugustA Christian Manifesto [4. Aufl.]1982
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