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1 - 30 von 46
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1National Geographic Story of Man Library
2Bible Study Commentary / SU, CLC
3Declaration of Principles Concerning the Church and Its External Relationships : Declaration on the Word of God and the Scriptures1920; 1938
4Anderson, Alan B. u.a.The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics1986
5Arcand, DenysJesus of Montreal2004
6Barber, Raymond u.a.Baptist Fundamentalism 1984 : Sermons1984
7Bauckham, Richard J.Bible and Mission : Christian Witness in a Postmodern World [2. Aufl.]2005
8Benge, Geoff u.a.Gladys Aylward : The Adventure of a Lifetime [10. Aufl.]2006
9Benge, Geoff u.a.Christian Heroes : Then & Nowum 2006-
10Benge, Geoff u.a.Eric Liddell : Something Greater Than Gold [6. Aufl.]2006
11Bridger, Gordon1 Corinthians-Galatians1985
12Burrell, David B. u.a.The Denigration of Capitalism : Six Points of View1980
13Cerillo, Augustus Jr. u.a.Salt and Light : Evangelical Political Thought in Modern America1989
14Christian, Lewis HarrisonThe Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts : the influence and guidance of Ellen G. White in the Advent Movement1947
15Cunningham, Loren u.a.Why Not Women? : A Fresh Look at Scripture on Women in Missions, Ministry, and Leadership2005
16Dreisbach, Kai u.a.Reference Guide No. 18 : German Americana, 1800-1955 ; A Comprehensive Bibliography of German, Austrian and Swiss Books and Dissertations on...2005
17Elder, JohnThe Biblical Approach to the Muslim1978
18Etuk, Emma SamuelWhat's So Good About Christianity? : five amazing ways the Gospel has influenced and blessed our lives2000
19Goldsmith, MartinLeviticus - Deuteronomy / M. Goldsmith1981
20Gonzalez, Guillermo u.a.The Privileged Planet : How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery2004
21Gordon, Adoniram JudsonThe Ministry of the Spirit1950
22Grubb, Norman PercyLeap of Faith1962
23Grubb, Norman PercyNothing Is Impossible1976
24Gutiérrez, Gustavo u.a.The Pope and Revolution : John Paul II Confronts Liberation Theology1982
25Hajos, MaryThe Eternal Covenant [4. Aufl.]1976
26Houck, John W. u.a.Catholic Social Teaching and The United States Economy : Working Papers for a Bishops' Pastoral1984
27Houck, John W. u.a.Co-Creation and Capitalism : John Paul II's Laborem Exercens1983
28Hunt, E. Stephen u.a.The Apocalyptic Premise : Nuclear Arms Debated ; Thirty-one Essays by Statesmen, Scholars, Religious Leaders, and Journalists1982
29Kerr, John H.An Introduction To the Study of the Books of the New Testament [5. Aufl.]Original 1892
30Law, WilliamThe Power of the Spirit1973
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