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# |
Person  |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | | The Living New Testament : Paraphrased | |
2 | | Die Bibel - David [DVD] | 1997 |
3 | | Die Bibel - Moses [DVD] | 1996 |
4 | | Die Bibel - Jakob [DVD] | 1994 |
5 | | Die Bibel - Esther [DVD] | 1998 |
6 | | Die Bibel - Abraham [DVD] | 1993 |
7 | | Die Bibel - Apokalypse [DVD] | 2003 |
8 | | Die Bibel - Josef [DVD] | 1995 |
9 | | Die Bibel - Samson und Delila [DVD] | 1996 |
10 | | Die Bibel - Salomon [DVD] | 1997 |
11 | | Die Bibel - Jeremia [DVD] | 1998 |
12 | | Apokalypse (DVD) | 2003 |
13 | | Moses/Samson und Delila (DVD) | 1996 |
14 | | Genesis / Abraham (DVD) | 1993 |
15 | | Maria Magdalena / Paulus (DVD) | 2000 |
16 | | Judas / Thomas (DVD) | 2001 |
17 | | Joseph von Nazareth /Jesus (DVD) | 1999 |
18 | | Jakob/Josef (DVD) | 1994/1995 |
19 | | Jeremia/Esther (DVD) | 1998 |
20 | | David/Salomon (DVD) | 1997 |
21 | | Die Bibel - Joseph von Nazareth (DVD) | 1999 |
22 | Anderson, Ken | Where to Find it in the Bible : The Ultimate A to Z Resource [6. Aufl.] | 2005 |
23 | Armstrong, Herbert W. | Das unglaubliche Potential des Menschen : Die erhellende Geschichte des wahren Evangeliums Jesu. Einer Wissensdimension, die einer verführte... | 1980 ? |
24 | Averbeck, Richard u.a. | Reading Genesis 1-2 : An Evangelical Conversation | 2013 |
25 | Barrett, Matthew u.a. | Counterpoints : Bible & Theology | |
26 | Barrick, William D. u.a. | Four Views on the Historical Adam | 2013 |
27 | Beckwith, Roger T. u.a. | The Origin of the Bible [7. Aufl.] | 2009 |
28 | Bediako, Kwame u.a. | Proclaiming Christ in Christ's Way : Studies in Integral Mission | 2006 |
29 | Begbie, Jeremy S. u.a. | Jesus, Paul and the People of God : A Theological Dialogue with N.T. Wright | 2011 |
30 | Birks, Rob | Orsbornagain : A new look at old songs of new life | 2013 |