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# | Person ![]() |
Titel | Jahr |
1 | Evangelical Christianity and the Environment | 1993 | |
2 | An Evangelical Response to Confessing the One Faith | 1993 | |
3 | The Unique Christ in Our Pluralistic World : WEF Manila Declaration | 1993 | |
4 | Bockmühl, Klaus u.a. | Outreach and Identity : Evangelical theological monographs | |
5 | Cho, Paul Yonggi | Successful Living | 1987 |
6 | Eshenaur, Ruth Marie u.a. | The Bible & Theology in Asian Contexts : an Evangelical perspective on Asian Theology | 1991 |
7 | Kim, Yong Ki | The Unique Canaan Farm of Korea | 1984 |
8 | Noelliste, Dieumeme | Toward a Theology of Theological Education | 1993 |
9 | Park, Il-Young | Minjung, Schamanismus und Inkulturation : schamanistische Religiosität und christliche Orthopraxis in Korea | 1988 |
10 | Ro, Bong-Rin | Sharing the Good News with the Poor : WEF-TC Consultation on the Evangelization of the Poor | 1993 |
11 | Ro, Bong-Rin | Christian Alternatives to Ancestor Practices | 1991 |
1 - 11 von 11
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