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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Glott av Norge : Glimpeses of Norway1968
2Andenaes, Johs. u.a.Norway and the Second World War1966
3Bockmühl, KlausDen nye moral : Kritikk og selvkritikk1977
4Boman,Thorleif u.a.Studia Theologica : Scandinavian Journal of Theology ; Volume 29 ; Number 11975
5Brun, Johan LyderDie Auferstehung Christi in der urchristlichen Ueberlieferung1925
6Jervell, Jacob u.a.Studia Theologica : Scandinavian Journal of Theology
7Langslet, Lars RoarYoung Marx and Alienation in Western Debate1963
8Lönning, PerDerfor... : Dokumentasjoner omkring abort-debatten og en embetsnedleggelse.1975
9Tolo, ArneSidama and Ethiopian : the emergence of the Mekane Yesus Church in Sidama1998
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