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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Emmaus Correspondence Course
2Flint, V. PaulEpistle to the Ephesians : to the praise of His Glory
3Fraser, Neil M.The Lord's Supper1970
4Gibbs, Alfred P.Preach the Word : twelve lessons for the young preacher [2. Aufl.]1963
5Gibbs, Alfred P.Personal Evangelism : twelve studies for the young soul winner [5. Aufl.]1966
6Harlow, R. E.Peter and the Church : twelve lessons on the life and sayings of the apostle Peter [4. Aufl.]1967
7Kelly, WilliamNotes on the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians : with a new translation
8Little, Robert J. u.a.The Thessalonian Epistles : rapture before wrath1962
9MacDonald, WilliamTrue Discipleship1962
10MacDonald, WilliamLessons for Christian Living : twelve simple studies for the new convert answering the questions most commonly asked [7. Aufl.]1962
11MacDonald, WilliamSummary of the Bible : book by book ; fourteen lessons for young believers [5. Aufl.]1964
12MacDonald, WilliamThe Epistle to the Romans : an elementary correspondence course ; twelve lessons [6. Aufl.]1965
13MacDonald, WilliamThe Gospel of John : behold, your God ; a verse-by-verse study [2. Aufl.]1964
14MacDonald, WilliamGalatians : Free From the Law, Yet Not Lawless ; a verse-by-verse study [2. Aufl.]1961
15MacDonald, WilliamPhilippians and Colossians : Christ, our joy and sufficiency1963
16MacDonald, WilliamChrist Loved the Church : ten outline studies of the New Testament Church [4. Aufl.]1965
17Scofield, Cyrus IngersonRightly Dividing the Word of Truth : original text material developed as a correspondence course1971
18Tatham, C. ErnestBible Prophecy : twelve studies for earnest Bible students [5. Aufl.]1967
19Tatham, C. ErnestThe Holy Spirit at Work : Twelve lessons on the Person and Power of the Spirit of God [3. Aufl.]1963
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