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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Der göttliche Plan der Zeitalter1886
2Bahnsen, Greg L.Theonomy In Christian Ethics1977
3Biermann, Wolf u.a.new left review 101-102 : Twilight of the United Kingdom?1977
4Boice, James Montgomery u.a.Here We Stand! - A Call from Confessing Evangelicals for a Modern Reformation2004
5Bonaventura (Sanctus)The Works of Bonaventure I : Mystical Opuscula1960
6Bonaventura (Sanctus)The Works of Bonaventure II : The Breviloquium1963
7Gration, John AlexanderThe Relationship of the Africa Inland Mission and its National Church in Kenya between 1895 and 19711973
8Greenway, Roger S.The Pastor-Evangelist : Preacher, Model, and Mobilizer for Church Growth1987
9Jennings, F. C.Studies in Isaiah1982
10Kaufmann, WalterNietzsche : Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist [4. Auflage]1974
11LaHaye, TimUnderstanding the Male Temperament : What every man would like to tell his wife about himself ... but won't1977
12Redpath, AlanVictorious Christian Service : Studies in the Book of Nehemiah / 2. Aufl.1958
13Rogerson, JohnThe Psalms in Daily Life2001
14Sanderson, John W.the fruit of the spirit1985
15Turnau, TedPopologetics2012
16van Til, CorneliusThe New Hermeneutic1977
17Vinck, José deThe Works of Bonaventure1960
18Wearmouth, Robert F.Methodism and the Working-Class Movements in England 1800-1850 ; [1937]1972
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