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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Harvard Historical Studies
2Achtemeier, ElizabethPreaching hard texts of the Old Testament [3. Aufl.]2002
3Averbeck, Richard u.a.Reading Genesis 1-2 : An Evangelical Conversation2013
4Carter, WarrenMatthew : Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist (2. Aufl.)2008
5Cook, Vivian u.a.Chomsky's Universal Grammar : An Introduction2003
6Dotan, AronBiblia Hebraica Leningradensia : Prepared according to the Vocalisation, Accents, and Masora of Aaron ben Moses ben Asher in the Leningrad C...2001
7Edwards, JonathanThe Works of Jonathan Edwards : Volume 12003
8Edwards, JonathanThe Works of Jonathan Edwards2003
9Edwards, JonathanThe Works of Jonathan Edwards : Volume 22003
10Gregory, Brad S.Salvation at Stake : Christian Martyrdom in Early Modern Europe1999
11Harwood, E. C.Cause and Control of the Business Cycle1962
12Hildebrandt, WilfAn Old Testament Theology of the Spirit of God1999
13Keener, Craig S.and marries another : Divorce and Remarriage in the Teaching of the New Testament2001
14Lemche, Niels PeterPrelude to Israel's Past : Background and Beginnings of Israelite History and Identity1998
15Weitzman, StevenSurviving Sacrilege : Cultural Persistence in Jewish Antiquity2005
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