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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bevans, Stephen B.Models of Contextual Theology : Revised and Expanded Edition2005
2Bevans, Stephen B. u.a.New Directions in Mission and Evangelisation 1 : Basic Statements 1974-19911992
3Bevans, Stephen B. u.a.New Directions in Mission and Evangelisation 3 : Faith and Culture1999
4Bevans, Stephen B. u.a.New Directions in Mission and Evangelisation1992-
5Bosch, David JacobusTransforming Mission : Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission [24. Aufl.]2008
6Ching, JuliaChinese Religions [10. Aufl.]2005
7Donovan, Vincent J.Christianity Rediscovered : Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition [4. Aufl.]2005
8Griffiths, Paul J.Christianity through Non-Christian Eyes1990
9Knitter, Paul F.Faith meets Faith : An Orbis Series in Interreligious Dialoguevor 1990-
10Robert, Dana L.Gospel Bearers, Gender Barriers : Missionary Women in the Twentieth Century2002
11Senior, Donald u.a.The Biblical Foundations for Mission [10. Aufl.]2003
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