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1 - 30 von 41
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1American Society of Missiology Seriesum 1992-
2Ateek, Naim StifanJustice, and Only Justice : a Palestinian theology of liberation1989
3Bedell, Clifford H. u.a.Mission in the New Testament : An Evangelical Approach1998
4Bevans, Stephen B.Models of Contextual Theology : Revised and Expanded Edition2005
5Bevans, Stephen B. u.a.New Directions in Mission and Evangelisation 1 : Basic Statements 1974-19911992
6Bevans, Stephen B. u.a.New Directions in Mission and Evangelisation 3 : Faith and Culture1999
7Bevans, Stephen B. u.a.New Directions in Mission and Evangelisation1992-
8Boff, LeonardoThe Lord's Prayer : the prayer of integral liberation [6. Aufl.]1994
9Bonk, Jonathan J.Missions and Money : affluence as a Western missionary problem1992
10Bosch, David JacobusTransforming Mission : paradigm shifts in theology of mission [7. Aufl.]1993
11Bosch, David JacobusTransforming Mission : Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission [24. Aufl.]2008
12Bujo, BénézetAfrican Theology in Its Social Context1992
13Burrows, William R.Redemption and Dialogue : reading Redemptoris Missio and Dialogue and Proclamation1994
14Carrier, HervéEvangelizing the Culture of Modernity1993
15Ching, JuliaChinese Religions [10. Aufl.]2005
16Cook, GuillermoNew Face of the Church in Latin America : between tradition and change1994
17Dickson, Kwesi A.Uncompleted Mission : Christianity and exclusivism1991
18Donovan, Vincent J.Christianity Rediscovered1997
19Donovan, Vincent J.Christianity Rediscovered : Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition [4. Aufl.]2005
20Dussel, EnriqueThe Church in Latin America, 1492-19921992
21Dussel, EnriqueA History of the Church in the Third World1992-
22Gilliland, Dean S. u.a.The Good News of the Kingdom : mission theology for the third millennium1993
23Gittins, Anthony J.Bread for the Journey : the mission of transformation and the transformation of mission1993
24Grassi, Joseph A.A World to Win : the missionary methods of Paul the Apostle1965
25Griffiths, Paul J.Christianity through Non-Christian Eyes1990
26Knitter, Paul F.Faith meets Faith : An Orbis Series in Interreligious Dialoguevor 1990-
27Koyama, KosukeWater Buffalo Theology1990
28Kraft, Charles H.Communication Theory for Christian Witness1991
29Kraft, Charles H.Christianity in Culture : a study in dynamic biblical theologizing in cross-cultural perspective1991
30Legrand, LucienUnity and Plurality : mission in the Bible1990
1 - 30 von 41
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