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1 - 30 von 99
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The ESV Study Bible : English Standard Version2008
2The Willowbank Report : Report of a Consultation on Gospel and Culture1978
3The Bahai Faith : A Summary Reprinted from the Encyclopaedia Britannica
4Adam, AlfredHearing God's Words : Exploring Biblical Spirituality2004
5Armstrong, John H.The Compromised Church : The Present Evangelical Crisis1998
6Arnold, Bill T. u.a.Dictionary of the Old Testament : Historical Books ; A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship2005
7Bacon, Daniel W.From Faith To Faith1983
8Baldwin, Joyce G.Esther : An introduction and commentary [8. Aufl.]1993
9Baldwin, Joyce G.Daniel : An introduction and commentary [14. Aufl.]1993
10Barrs, Jerram u.a.What In The World Is Real? : Challenging the superficial in today's world1982
11Bartholomew, Craig G. u.a.Old Testament Wisdom Literature : A Theological Introduction2011
12Beckwith, Roger T. u.a.The Origin of the Bible [7. Aufl.]2009
13Belli, HumbertoBreaking Faith : The Sandinista Revolution And Its Impact On Freedom And Christian Faith In Nicaragua1985
14Benson, Clarence HerbertThe One True God : Father, Son, and Holy Spirit2004
15Berthoud, Pierre u.a.Freedom, Justice, And Hope : Toward a Strategy for the Poor and the Oppressed1988
16Beyerhaus, Peter P. J.God's Kingdom and the Utopian Error : Discerning the Biblical Kingdom of God from its Political Counterfeits1992
17Boettner, Loraine u.a.The Meaning Of The Millenium : Four Views1977
18Boice, James MontgomeryGod the Redeemer1978
19Boice, James MontgomeryThe Sovereign God1978
20Boice, James MontgomeryFoundations of the Christian Faith1978
21Boice, James Montgomery u.a.The Doctrines of Grace : Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel [3. Aufl.]2003
22Bolich, Gregory C.Karl Barth & Evangelicalism1980
23Bridge, Donald u.a.the Water that Divides : the Baptism Debate1977
24Briggs, John H. Y. u.a.The History of Christianity : A Lion Handbook [Rev. Ed.]1990
25Catherwood, FrederickFirst Things First1979
26Clouse, Robert G.War : 4 Christian Views1981
27Cole, Robert AlanExodus : an introduction and commentary1987
28Cole, Robert AlanExodus : an introduction and commentary1987
29Collins, C. John u.a.Translating Truth : The Case for Essentially Literal Bible Translation2005
30Comfort, Philip WesleyCornerstone Biblical Commentary
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