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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bloesch, Donald G.God, Authority, and Salvation1978
2Bloesch, Donald G.Essentials of Evangelical Theology1978
3Carmody, Denise Lardner u.a.Contemporary Catholic Theology : An Introduction1980
4Holmer, Paul L.The Grammar of Faith1978
5Kant, Immanuel u.a.Religion Within The Limits Of Reason Alone ; with a new essay "The Ethical Significance of Kant's Religion"1960
6Kirchner, JerryWisdom : Practical Answers to Today's Problems from the Proverbs1997
7Kopelev, LevThe Education Of A True Believer1978
8McLellan, DavidKarl Marx : His Life and Thought1977
9Niebuhr, Helmut RichardThe Responsible Self : An Essay in Christian Moral Philosophy1978
10Oden, Thomas ClarkAgenda for Theology1979
11Schumpeter, Joseph A.Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy1975
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