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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Johnstone, Patrick J. St. G.The Church Is Bigger Than You Think : structures and strategies for the church in the 21st century [2000]2000
2Johnstone, Patrick J. St. G.Operation World : a day-to-day guide to praying for the world [4. Aufl.]1986
3Mackey, RobertPraying Always 1978-79 : names and addresses of missionaries serving with the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade1978
4Myers, GlennCathy's Story : learning to forgive1998
5Rowbotham, ElsieWould You Believe It! : it happened in Scotland1982
6Studd, Charles ThomasFool and Fanatic? : quotations from the letters of C. T. Studd1980
7Vincent, EileenC T Studd and Priscilla : united to fight for Jesus1988
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