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# |
Person  |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | | McMaster Biblical Studie Series | 2012- |
2 | | Didsbury Lecture Series | 1979- |
3 | Adams, Jay Edward | A Call to Discernment : Distinguishing Truth from Error in Today's Church | 1987 |
4 | Anderson, Neil T. | The Bondage Breaker : Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings, Habitual Sins [2. Aufl.] | 1993 |
5 | Ankerberg, John u.a. | The Case for Jesus the Messiah : incredible prophecies that prove God exists | 1989 |
6 | Arends, Carolyn | Living the Questions | 2000 |
7 | Arthur, Kay | How to Study Your Bible : The Lasting Rewards of the Inductive Method | 1994 |
8 | Arthur, Kay | Lord, Teach Me to Pray ... in 28 Days [3. Aufl.] | 1994 |
9 | Barnes, Bob u.a. | Minute Meditations for Couples | 2001 |
10 | Barnhill, Julie Ann | She's Gonna Blow! | 2001 |
11 | Bediako, Kwame u.a. | Proclaiming Christ in Christ's Way : Studies in Integral Mission | 2006 |
12 | Brock, Brian u.a. | The Malady of the Christian Body : A Theological Exposition of Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians ; volume 1 | 2016 |
13 | Brown, Sherri | Covenant through Word in the Gospel of John | 2010 |
14 | Camp, Phillip G. u.a. | Speaking with God : Probing Old Testament Prayers for Contemporary Significance | 2021 |
15 | Clark, Ron | Am I Sleeping with the Enemy? : Males and Females in the Image of God | 2010 |
16 | Collier, Charles M. u.a. | Princeton Theological Monograph Series | |
17 | Davidson, Elishua | Islam, Israel and the last Days | 1991 |
18 | Elliott, John H. | The Elect And The Holy : An Exegetical Examination of 1 Peter 2:4-10 and the Phrase basileion hierateuma | 2005 |
19 | Esterline, David u.a. | Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity : Theological Perspectives; Ecumenical Trends; Regional Surveys | 2010 |
20 | Fish, Sharon u.a. | Meditation : A Practical Guide to a Spiritual Discipline ; Quiet Times for Forty Days | 2006 |
21 | Fredrickson, Lee u.a. | Future Wave | 2001 |
22 | Gasque, Woodrow Ward | A History of the Interpretation of the Acts of the Apostles | 2000 |
23 | Geisler, Norman L. | The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism | 1998 |
24 | George, Elizabeth | Woman After God's Own Heart | 2000 |
25 | Gilliland, Dean S. | The Word Among Us : Contextualizing Theology for Mission Today | 2002 |
26 | Glaw, Annette M. | The Holy Spirit and Christian Ethics in the Theology of Klaus Bockmuehl | 2013 |
27 | Hanegraaff, Hank | Christianity in Crisis [3. Aufl.] | 1993 |
28 | Hindalong, Steve | City on a Hill : reflections on Our Spiritual Journeys | 2000 |
29 | Hunt, Dave | Peace Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust : The New Age Movement in Prophecy | 1983 |
30 | Hunt, Dave | The Cult Explosion | 1980 |