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1 - 16 von 16
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Marshalls Paperbacks
2Borlase, RaymondTrumpet Call To Prayer : The practice and power of intercession1986
3Calver, Clive u.a.A Guide to Evangelism1984
4Elliott, CharlesSigns of Our Times : Prayer and Action to Change the World1988
5Fudge, Roland u.a.Mission Praise [10. Aufl.]1988
6Kirk, AndrewHandling Problems of Peace and War : an evangelical debate1988
7Ling, TrevorKarl Marx and Religion : In Europe and India1980
8Lloyd-Jones, David MartynSpiritual Depression : Its Causes and Cure [9. Aufl.]1987
9Marshall, PaulThine is the Kingdom : A Biblical Perspective on the Nature of Government and Politics Today1984
10McAlpine, CampbellThe Practice of Biblical Meditation [2. Aufl.]1987
11Redpath, AlanVictorious Christian Faith : Studies on the life in the Spirit1984
12Stott, John Robert WalmsleyIssues Facing Christians Today1985
13Thornhill, AlanBest of Friends1986
14Wilson, Robert McLachlanHebrews / R. McL. Wilson1987
15Winter, RichardChoose Life : A Christian Perspective on Abortion and Embryo Experiments1988
16Wurmbrand RichardMarx: Prophet of Darkness : Communism's hidden forces revealed1986
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