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1 - 13 von 13
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Hastings, EdwardThe Epistle to the Galatians. The Epistles to the Thessalonians1951
2Hastings, EdwardThe Epistle to the Romans : volume I1936
3Hastings, EdwardThe Gospel According to St John : volume II1931
4Hastings, EdwardThe Gospel According to St Matthew : volume II1939
5Hastings, JamesThe Acts of the Apostles : volume I1927
6Hastings, JamesThe Epistle to the Ephesians / ed. by James Hastings1925
7Hastings, JamesThe First and Second Epistles of St. Peter. The Epistle of St. Jude1924
8Hastings, JamesThe First Epistle to the Corinthians : volume I1927
9Hastings, JamesThe First Epistle to the Corinthians : volume II. The Epistle to Philemon1927
10Hastings, JamesThe Gospel According to St Mark : volume I1929
11Hastings, JamesThe Speaker's Bible
12Kennedy, Robert L.Turning Westward : Anglo-American Evangelical and German Pietist interactions through 1954 ; a thesis ; vol. 11988
13Kennedy, Robert L.Turning Westward : Anglo-American Evangelical and German Pietist interactions through 1954 ; a thesis ; vol. 21988
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