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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Young, Edward JosephA Commentary on Daniel1972
2Young, Edward JosephThy Word Is Truth : some thoughts on the Biblical doctrine of inspiration1980
3Young, Edward JosephIn the Beginning : Genesis chapters 1 to 3 and the authority of Scripture1976
4Young, Edward JosephIntroduction to the Old Testament1953
5Young, Edward JosephAn Introduction to the Old Testament / by Edward J. Young1966
6Young, Edward JosephThe Prophecy of Daniel : a commentary1966
7Young, Edward JosephThe Book of Isaiah : the English text, with introd., exposition, and notes [3 Bd.]1965-1972
8Young, Edward JosephThe Book of Isaiah : the English text, with introd., exposition, and notes ; volume 1: Chapters 1 to 181974
9Young, Edward JosephThe Book of Isaiah : the English text, with introd., exposition, and notes ; volume 2: Chapters 19 to 391969
10Young, Edward JosephThe Book of Isaiah : the English text, with introd., exposition, and notes ; volume 3: Chapters 40 through 661974
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