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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Wright, Christopher J. H.Walking in the Ways of the Lord : the ethical authority of the Old Testament1996
2Wright, Christopher J. H.Old Testament Ethics : For the People of God2004
3Wright, Christopher J. H.The Mission of God : Unlocking the Bible´s Grand Narrative [6.Aufl.]2009
4Wright, Christopher J. H.God's People in God's Land : family, land and Property in the Old Testament1997
5Wright, Christopher J. H.La mission de Dieu : Fil conducteur du récit biblique2012
6Wright, Christopher J. H.Deuteronomy2012
7Wright, Christopher J. H.Living as the People of God : The relevance of Old Testament ethics [8.]2000
8Wright, Christopher J. H.La mission de Dieu. Fil conducteur du récit biblique. Trad. de l'anglais2012
9Wright, Christopher J. H.The Mission of God : Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative2006
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