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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bromiley, Geoffrey William u.a.God and Culture : essays in honor of Carl F. H. Henry1993
2Carson, Don A. u.a.Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon1995
3Carson, Don A. u.a.Scripture and Truth1983
4Hoffmeier, James K. u.a.Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? : A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture2012
5Reventlow, Henning u.a.Historische Kritik und biblischer Kanon in der deutschen Aufklärung1988
6Woodbridge, John D.Great Leaders of the Church1988
7Woodbridge, John D.Some Misconceptions of the Impact of the 'Enlightenment' on the Doctrine of Scripture1995
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