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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Aagaard, Johannes u.a.Stand Firm and Take Action : a festschrift for Milan Opocenský on his 65th birthday1996
2Gregorius (Nyssenus)Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic Treatises, etc.1988
3Njoroge, Nyambura Jane u.a.New Wine : the challenge of the emerging ecclesiologies to church renewal ; the papers and findings of the WARC consultation and women's pre...1994
4Rajashekar, J. Paul u.a.Islam in Asia : Perspectives for Christian-Muslim encounter ; report of a consultation sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation and the Wo...1992
5Wilson, Henry S.Islam in Africa : Perspectives for Christian-Muslim relations ; the WARC Consultation, 6 to 10 June 19941995
6Wilson, Henry S.Gospel and Cultures : Reformed perspectives : the papers and findings of the WARC Consultation held at Rentepao, Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selat...1996
7Wilson, Henry S.Beyond the Church Walls : a panacea for cultural schizophrenia for Asian Christians?
8Wilson, Henry S.Christian Fundamentalism Today : the papers of the WARC/LWF/PCPCU consultation, 22 to 26 February 1993, die Evangelische Akademie Mülheim/Ru...1994
9Wilson, Henry S.Oriental Orthodox-Reformed Dialogue : the First Four Sessions1998
10Wilson, Henry S.Elders in the Church of South India1992
11Wilson, Henry S.Christian Community in a Changing Society : the papers and findings of the WARC consultation held from November 14-17, 1990 at the Maison St...1991
12Wilson, Henry S.Bilateral Dialogues : the papers and findings of the WARC Consultation held from April 21-25, 1992 at Princeton Theological Seminary, Prince...1993
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