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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Allen, Ronald J. u.a.Preaching the Old Testament : A Lectionary Commentary2007
2Armstrong, Joseph u.a.Building of The Mother Church : the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts1980
3Arnold, Bill T. u.a.Dictionary of the Old Testament : Historical Books ; A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship2005
4Barrera, J. Trebolle u.a.Supplements to Vetus Testamentumum 1955-
5Bautch, Richard J. u.a.Unity and Disunity in Ezra-Nehemiah : Redaction, Rhetoric, and Reader2008
6Gralle, Albrecht u.a.Väter sind die besseren Mütter : unernste Geschichten über väterliche Erziehungsversuche [2. Aufl.]1994
7Perrotta, Kevin u.a.Christianity Confronts Modernity : A Theological and Pastoral Inquiry by Protestant Evangelicals and Roman Catholics1981
8Perrotta, Kevin u.a.Summons to Faith and Renewal : Christian Renewal in a Post-Christian World1983
9Williamson, Clark M.Baptism: Embodiment of the Gospel : Disciples baptismal theology1987
10Williamson, ClydeThe Esther Fast Mandate : A Call to End-Time Intercession1987
11Williamson, DavidIra D. Sankey : the story of his life190.
12Williamson, GeoffreyInside Buchmanism : an independent inquiry into the Oxford Group Movement and Moral Re-Armament1954
13Williamson, H. G. M.He Has Shown You What is Good : Old Testament Justice Then and Now ; The Trinity Lectures, Singapore, 20112012
14Williamson, Hugh Godfrey Matur...Variations on a Theme : king, messiah and servant in the book of Isaiah1998
15Williamson, Hugh Godfrey Matur...A Critical and Exegetial Commentary on Isaiah 1-27 : in three Volumes ; Volume 1, Commentary on Isaiah 1-5 / ICC2007
16Williamson, Hugh Godfrey Matur...Ezra, Nehemiah1985
17Williamson, J.Auf Chinas Heerstrasse : Reiseerinnerungen1888
18Williamson, MabelHaben wir keine Rechte? : eine Missionarin stellt einige Fragen1950
19Williamson, MabelHaben wir keine Rechte? : Fundamente für Nachfolge und Dienst1992
20Williamson, MabelHave we no right : A Missionary asks some questions1958
21Williamson, MarianneA Woman's Worth1994
22Williamson, MyrtleEine von Vier : Aus einem Krankentagebuch1964
23Williamson, RonaldPhilo and the Epistle to the Hebrews1970
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