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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Wenham, John WilliamKey to the Elements of New Testament Greek1966
2Wenham, John WilliamThe Enigma of Evil : can we believe in the goodness of God?1994
3Wenham, John WilliamJesus und die Bibel : Autorität, Kanon und Text des Alten und Neuen Testaments2000
4Wenham, John WilliamThe elements of New Testament Greek1967
5Wenham, John WilliamInitiation au Grec du Nouveau Testament1997
6Wenham, John WilliamThe Elements of New Testament Greek1965
7Wenham, John WilliamChrist and the Bible1984
8Wenham, John WilliamOur Lord's View of the Old Testament1964
9Wenham, John WilliamDas Rätsel Ostern : Was zwischen Karfreitag und Ostersonntag wirklich geschah ...1985
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