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# | Person | Titel | Jahr |
1 | Wenham, John William | Key to the Elements of New Testament Greek | 1966 |
2 | Wenham, John William | The Enigma of Evil : can we believe in the goodness of God? | 1994 |
3 | Wenham, John William | Jesus und die Bibel : Autorität, Kanon und Text des Alten und Neuen Testaments | 2000 |
4 | Wenham, John William | The elements of New Testament Greek | 1967 |
5 | Wenham, John William | Initiation au Grec du Nouveau Testament | 1997 |
6 | Wenham, John William | The Elements of New Testament Greek | 1965 |
7 | Wenham, John William | Christ and the Bible | 1984 |
8 | Wenham, John William | Our Lord's View of the Old Testament | 1964 |
9 | Wenham, John William | Das Rätsel Ostern : Was zwischen Karfreitag und Ostersonntag wirklich geschah ... | 1985 |
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