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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Begbie, Jeremy S. u.a.Jesus, Paul and the People of God : A Theological Dialogue with N.T. Wright2011
2Bromiley, Geoffrey William u.a.God and Culture : essays in honor of Carl F. H. Henry1993
3Clayton, Philip D. u.a.Edinburgh Studies in Constructive Theology
4Strachan, Owen u.a.The Pastor as Public Theologian : Reclaiming a Lost Vision2015
5Treier, Daniel J. u.a.Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture2016-
6Treier, Daniel J. u.a.Theology and the Mirror of Scripture : A Mere Evangelical Account2016
7Vanhoozer, Kevin JonThe Reader in New Testament Interpretation1995
8Vanhoozer, Kevin JonDictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible [2. Aufl.]2006
9Vanhoozer, Kevin JonThe Semantics of Biblical Literature : truth and Scripture's diverse literary forms1995
10Vanhoozer, Kevin JonThe Drama of Doctrine : A Canonical Linguistic Approach to Christian Theology2005
11Vanhoozer, Kevin JonFaith Speaking Understanding : Performing the Drama of Doctrine2014
12Vanhoozer, Kevin JonBiblical Authority after Babel : Retrieving the Solas in the Spirit of Mere Protestant Christianity2016
13Vanhoozer, Kevin JonThe Drama of Doctrine : A Canonical Linguistic Approach to Christian Theology2005
14Vanhoozer, Kevin JonIs There a Meaning in This Text? : The Bible, The Reader and the Morality of Literary Knowledge2009
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