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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Boice, James Montgomery u.a.Here We Stand! - A Call from Confessing Evangelicals for a Modern Reformation2004
2Bravo, Russell u.a.Leben mit Grenzen1991
3Fairbairn, PatrickThe Revelation of Law in Scripture : considered with respect both to its own nature, and to its relative place in successive dispensations1996
4Ferguson, Sinclair B.Children of the Living God1987
5Ferguson, Sinclair B.Demas1981
6Ferguson, Sinclair B.The Christian Life : a doctrinal introduction1989
7Ferguson, Sinclair B.A Heart for God1987
8Ferguson, Sinclair B.Lebens-Werte : Fundamente des Glaubens2003
9Perkins, WilliamThe Art of Prophesying : with: The Calling of the Ministry1996
10Sinclair, Helen C. u.a.Retten Sie meinen kleinen Sohn, retten Sie Richard!1998
11Sinclair, MaxDen Himmel vor Augen1983
12Sinclair, MaxA mi-chemin du ciel1983
13Sinclair, UptonJesus wie ich ihn fand und sah1957
14Stevenson, William FlemingPraying and Working : being some account of what men can do when in earnest1886 ?
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