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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Beets, Henry M. u.a.scripture and its authority1973
2Blocher, Gerhardt u.a.Christ - Our Peace1974
3Blocher, Henri u.a.man - God's trustee in creation : IARFA Congress, Bievres, France, 13-20 July, 1972 ; special supplement: bible studies1973
4Combrink, H. J. B. u.a.Ned Geref : Teologiese Tydskrift1977
5Fliert, J. R. van de u.a.Scripture and its Key1968
6Schrotenboer, Paul G.International Reformed Bulletin1957-
7Schrotenboer, Paul G.Unity That is Worthy of the Gospel1968
8Schrotenboer, Paul G. u.a.Politics, Justice and Jubilee1973
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