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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Gordon, Kent H. u.a.Paired Semantic Components, Paired Sentence Reversals and the Analysis of Dhangar (Kudux) Discourse1973
2Pike, Evelyn G. u.a.Text and Tagmeme1983
3Pike, Evelyn G. u.a.Grammatical Analysis [2. Aufl.]1980
4Pike, Kenneth LeePhonemics : a technique for reducing languages to writing1956
5Pike, Kenneth Lee...unsere eigene Sprache, in der wir geboren sind : die Arbeit des Sommerinstituts für Linguistik und der Wycliff Bibelübersetzer1960 ?
6Pike, Kenneth LeeAgreement Types Dispersed into a Nine-Cell Spectrum1974
7Pike, Kenneth LeeGottes Führung und Deine Lebensaufgabe
8Pike, Kenneth LeeLinguistic Concepts : an Introduction to Tagmemics1982
9Pike, Kenneth LeeTagmemic and Matrix Lingustics Applied to Selected African Languages1970
10Pike, Kenneth LeeTagmemics, discourse, and verbal art1981
11Pike, Kenneth LeeTalk, Thought, and Thing : the emic road toward conscious knowledge1993
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