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1 - 30 von 49
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Archer, Gleason Leonard u.a.Die Unfehlbarkeit der Bibel [2. Aufl.]1995
2Armerding, Carl Edwin u.a.With Heart, Mind & Strength : the best of Crux, 1979-1989, volume one1990
3Baecher, Claude u.a.Une foi sans loi?1994
4Baum, Armin Daniel u.a.Die Unfehlbarkeit und Irrtumslosigkeit der Bibel2001
5Baxter, RichardA Grief Sanctified : passing through grief to peace and joy ; J. I. Packer presents Richard Baxter's memoir of his wife's life and death1998
6Beckwith, Roger T. u.a.The Origin of the Bible [7. Aufl.]2009
7Bromiley, Geoffrey William u.a.God and Culture : essays in honor of Carl F. H. Henry1993
8LeMarquand, Grant u.a.Anglicanism Today : the path to renewal1995
9McGrath, Alister Edgar u.a.The Crossway Classic Commentaries
10Mealyea, MaryA Child - at any Cost?1987
11Packer, James InnellTruth & Power : the place of Scripture in the Christian life1996
12Packer, James InnellKnowing Christianity1995
13Packer, James InnellThe Comfort of Conservatism1992
14Packer, James InnellCelebrating the Saving Work of God1999
15Packer, James InnellThe Collected Shorter Writings of J. I. Packer1998-
16Packer, James InnellServing the People of God1999
17Packer, James InnellEvangelism & the Sovereignty of God [10. Aufl.]1979
18Packer, James InnellHonouring the Written Word of God : Collected Shorter Writings on the Authority and Interpretation of Scripture2008
19Packer, James InnellHonouring the People of God : Collected Shorter Writings on Christian Leaders and Theologians2008
20Packer, James InnellL'Evangélisation et la souveraineté de Dieu1968
21Packer, James InnellEvangelical Foundations for Spirituality1991
22Packer, James InnellJesus Christ, the Only Saviour1995
23Packer, James InnellPrädestination und Verantwortung : Gott und Mensch in der Verkündigung [2. Aufl.]2000
24Packer, James InnellUnity and Truth : the Anglican Agony1998
25Packer, James InnellTheology and Wisdom2000
26Packer, James InnellKeep in Step With the Spirit1984
27Packer, James InnellKnowing God1987
28Packer, James InnellThe Puritan View of Preaching the Gospel2000
29Packer, James InnellThe Puritans and the Lord's Day2000
30Packer, James InnellThe Puritans as Interpreters of Scripture2000
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