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# |
Person |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | Archer, Gleason Leonard u.a. | Die Unfehlbarkeit der Bibel [2. Aufl.] | 1995 |
2 | Armerding, Carl Edwin u.a. | With Heart, Mind & Strength : the best of Crux, 1979-1989, volume one | 1990 |
3 | Baecher, Claude u.a. | Une foi sans loi? | 1994 |
4 | Baum, Armin Daniel u.a. | Die Unfehlbarkeit und Irrtumslosigkeit der Bibel | 2001 |
5 | Baxter, Richard | A Grief Sanctified : passing through grief to peace and joy ; J. I. Packer presents Richard Baxter's memoir of his wife's life and death | 1998 |
6 | Beckwith, Roger T. u.a. | The Origin of the Bible [7. Aufl.] | 2009 |
7 | Bromiley, Geoffrey William u.a. | God and Culture : essays in honor of Carl F. H. Henry | 1993 |
8 | LeMarquand, Grant u.a. | Anglicanism Today : the path to renewal | 1995 |
9 | McGrath, Alister Edgar u.a. | The Crossway Classic Commentaries | |
10 | Mealyea, Mary | A Child - at any Cost? | 1987 |
11 | Packer, James Innell | Truth & Power : the place of Scripture in the Christian life | 1996 |
12 | Packer, James Innell | Knowing Christianity | 1995 |
13 | Packer, James Innell | The Comfort of Conservatism | 1992 |
14 | Packer, James Innell | Celebrating the Saving Work of God | 1999 |
15 | Packer, James Innell | The Collected Shorter Writings of J. I. Packer | 1998- |
16 | Packer, James Innell | Serving the People of God | 1999 |
17 | Packer, James Innell | Evangelism & the Sovereignty of God [10. Aufl.] | 1979 |
18 | Packer, James Innell | Honouring the Written Word of God : Collected Shorter Writings on the Authority and Interpretation of Scripture | 2008 |
19 | Packer, James Innell | Honouring the People of God : Collected Shorter Writings on Christian Leaders and Theologians | 2008 |
20 | Packer, James Innell | L'Evangélisation et la souveraineté de Dieu | 1968 |
21 | Packer, James Innell | Evangelical Foundations for Spirituality | 1991 |
22 | Packer, James Innell | Jesus Christ, the Only Saviour | 1995 |
23 | Packer, James Innell | Prädestination und Verantwortung : Gott und Mensch in der Verkündigung [2. Aufl.] | 2000 |
24 | Packer, James Innell | Unity and Truth : the Anglican Agony | 1998 |
25 | Packer, James Innell | Theology and Wisdom | 2000 |
26 | Packer, James Innell | Keep in Step With the Spirit | 1984 |
27 | Packer, James Innell | Knowing God | 1987 |
28 | Packer, James Innell | The Puritan View of Preaching the Gospel | 2000 |
29 | Packer, James Innell | The Puritans and the Lord's Day | 2000 |
30 | Packer, James Innell | The Puritans as Interpreters of Scripture | 2000 |