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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Allan, John J.Outlines of Addresses Given at the British Stuff Concils1948
2Alliance Reformee MondialVous serez mes témoins1983
3And othersScience and faith1984
4Arnold, Irena E.Merchant of Heaven1944
5Brown, ArnoldAnother Harvest of the Years1975
6Callahan, DanielThe secular city debate1966
7Coutts, Frederick L.Into the Second Century1965
8Etzensperger RuthDas Sozialwerk der Heilsarmee in der Schweiz1981
9Gilmore, A.Christian baptism1959
10Harkness, GeorgiaThe sources of Western Morality1954
11Henry, Carl Ferdinand HowardJesus of Nazareth: Saviour and Lord1966
12Kenyon, AlbertIn High Esteem1969
13Kirk Kenneth EThe apostolic ministry1957
14Lea, LarryNe Pouvez-Vous Veiller une Heure Avec Moi?1991
15Litton, Edward ArthurIntroduction to Dogmatic Theology1960
16Richards Miriam MSalvationist Reciter No.21967
17Smith Edwin WAfrican Ideas of God1950
18Swan Annie SOutsiders (The): A Sketch of Salvation Army Social Work1906
19Tresmontant, ClaudeComment se posé anjourd 'hui - Le probleme de l'existence de Dieu1966
20Unsworth MadgeMaiden Tribute :A Study in Voluntry Social Sercice1949
21Westergaard, KaareIn Darkest England Now1974
22Yee Check-HungFor My Kinsmen's Sake0
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