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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Gih, AndrewTwice Born, and Then? : the autobiography and messages of Rev. Andrew Gih / 2. Aufl.1964
2Mullins, Edgar Y. u.a.The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia1947
3Orr, JamesThe Christian View of God And the World1989
4Orr, JamesThe History and Literature of the Early Church1913
5Orr, James EdwinVolle Hingabe1965
6Orr, James EdwinGlauben mit Verstand1970
7Orr, James EdwinProve Me Now!, Saith the Lord : 10'000 Miles of miracle to Moscow1936
8Orr, James EdwinThe Flaming Tongue : the impact of twentieth century revivals1973
9Orr, James EdwinEvangelical Awakenings in Eastern Asia1975
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