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1 - 30 von 34
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Abramowski, Luise u.a.Das Evangelium und die Evangelien1983
2Albrecht, Ralf u.a.Dein Wort ist die Wahrheit : Festschrift für Gerhard Maier ; Beiträge zu einer schriftgemässen Theologie1997
3Baker, David L. u.a.The Right Doctrine from the Wrong Texts? : Essays on the Use of the Old Testament in the New1994
4Barnett, Paul William u.a.Doing Theology for the People of God : studies in honor of J. I. Packer1996
5Barrett, Charles Kingsley u.a.Tradition and Interpretation in the New Testament : essays in honor of E. Earle Ellis for his 60th birthday1987
6Bauckham, Richard J. u.a.Paternoster Biblical and Theological Monographs
7Gasque, Woodrow Ward u.a.The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)
8Green, Joel B. u.a.Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels1992
9Marshall, Ian HowardIssues in Contemporary Theology
10Marshall, Ian HowardThe Origins of New Testament Christology1985
11Marshall, Ian HowardIs the Principle 'in accordance with scripture' in accordance with scripture?
12Marshall, Ian HowardIs Apocalyptic the Mother of Christian Theology?1987
13Marshall, Ian HowardLuke : historian and theologian1979
14Marshall, Ian HowardProspects for the Pastoral Epistles
15Marshall, Ian HowardDie Rolle der Frau in der Gemeinde1991
16Marshall, Ian HowardLast Supper and Lord's Supper1997
17Marshall, Ian HowardHistorical Criticism1977
18Marshall, Ian HowardApg 12 : ein Schlüssel zum Verständnis der Apostelgeschichte1987
19Marshall, Ian HowardThe Pastoral Epistles / ICC2004
20Marshall, Ian HowardBiblical Inspiration1982
21Marshall, Ian HowardThe Acts of the Apostles : an Introduction and Commentary1980
22Marshall, Ian HowardJesus as Lord : the development of the Concept1988
23Marshall, Ian HowardPauline Theology in the Thessalonian Correspondence1982
24Marshall, Ian HowardThe Gospel of Luke / NIGTC1978
25Marshall, Ian HowardCommitment to Creation2000
26Marshall, Ian Howard1 Peter / I. Howard Marshall1991
27Marshall, Ian HowardThe Gospel of Luke : a commentary on the Greek text / NIGTC1992
28Marshall, Ian HowardChristian Experience in Theology and Life : papers read at the 1984 Conference of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians1988
29Marshall, Ian HowardNew Testament Interpretation : essays on principles and methods1977
30Marshall, Ian HowardThe Epistles of John / NICNT1990
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