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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bradley, James E. u.a.Church, Word, and Spirit : historical and theological essays in honor of Geoffrey W. Bromiley1987
2Eade, Alfred ThompsonBibel-Panorama : Die sieben Zeitalter des biblischen Heilsweges in zwölf farbigen Darstellungen mit Erklärungen zum Bibelstudium [18. Aufl.]2002
3Long, V. Philips u.a.Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation : Six Volumes in One [7. Aufl.]2006
4Müller, RichardMose, der Knecht Gottes / Richard Müller1986
5Müller, RichardWas hast du da getan!1993
6Müller, RichardWenn du Gottes Sohn bist...1991
7Muller, Richard AlfredTexts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thoughtum 1997-
8Muller, Richard AlfredThe Use and Abuse of a Document : Beza's Tabula praedestinationis, the Bolsec Controversy, and the Origins of Reformed Orthodoxy1999
9Muller, Richard AlfredDictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms : drawn principally from Protestant scholastic theology1985 cop.
10Muller, Richard AlfredThe Study of Theology : From Biblical Interpretation to Contemporary Formulation2006
11Muller, Richard Alfred'Scimus enim quod lex spiritualis est' : Melanchthon and Calvin on the interpretation of Romans 7.14-231997
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