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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Lockyer, HerbertHöhepunkte : ergreifende Erlebnisse biblischer Gestalten1980
2Lockyer, HerbertWas geschieht nach dem Tod?1976
3Lockyer, HerbertAll the Miracles of the Bible : the Supernatural in Scripture, its Scope and Significance [10. Aufl.]1971
4Lockyer, HerbertAll the Prayers of the Bible : a devotional and expositional classic1968
5Lockyer, HerbertAll the Promises of the Bible : a unique compilation and exposition of Divine promises in Scripture1970
6Lockyer, HerbertAll the Trades and Occupations of the Bible : A Fascinating Study of Ancient Arts and Crafts [8. Aufl.]1978
7Lockyer, HerbertThe Women of the Bible : The Life and Times of All the Women of the Bible [12. Aufl.]1975
8Lockyer, HerbertAll the Parables of the Bible : A Study and Analysis of the More Than 250 Parables in Scripture1973
9Lockyer, HerbertAll the Doctrines of the Bible : A Study and Analysis of Major Bible Doctrines [3. Aufl.]1967
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