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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Jedin, Hubert u.a.Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte : Die christlichen Kirchen in Geschichte und Gegenwart : 257 mehrfarbige Karten und schematische Darstellungen, ...1987
2Jedin, Hubert u.a.Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte : die christlichen Kirchen in Geschichte und Gegenwart : 257 mehrfarbige Karten und schematische Darstellungen, ...1970
3Jedin, Hubert u.a.Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte : die christlichen Kirchen in Geschichte und Gegenwart : 257 mehrfarbige Karten und schematische Darstellungen, ...1988
4Latourette, Kenneth ScottAdvance Through Storm : A.D. 1914 and after, with concluding generalizations1945
5Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe First Five Centuries1937
6Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Great Century in Europe and the United States of America, A.D. 1800-A.D. 1914 [7. Aufl.]1980
7Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Great Century in Northern Africa and Asia, A.D. 1800-A.D. 19141944
8Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Great Century in the Americas, Austral-Asia, and Africa, A.D. 1800-A.D. 1914 [7. Aufl.]1980
9Latourette, Kenneth ScottA History of the Expansion of Christianity1937-1945
10Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Thousand Years of Uncertainty, A.D. 500-A.D. 15001938
11Latourette, Kenneth ScottThree Centuries of Advance, A.D. 1500-A.D. 18001939
12Latourette, Kenneth ScottIntroducing Buddhism1956
13Latourette, Kenneth ScottAnno Domini1949
14Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Twentieth Century in Europe : The Roman Catholic, Protestant and eastern Churches [= Vol. 4]1961
15Latourette, Kenneth ScottChristianity in a Revolutionary Age : A History of Christianity in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
16Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Nineteenth Century in Europe : Background and the Roman Catholic Phase [= Vol. 1]1958
17Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Twentieth Century Outside Europe : The Americas, the Pacific, Asia and Africa: The Emerging World Christian Community [= Vol. 5]1969
18Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe First Five Centuries [8. Aufl.]1980
19Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Thousand Years of Uncertainty, A.D. 500-A.D. 1500 [7. Aufl.]1980
20Latourette, Kenneth ScottThree Centuries of Advance, A.D. 1500-A.D. 1800 [7. Aufl.]1980
21Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Great Century: North Africa and Asia, A.D. 1800-A.D. 1914 [7. Aufl.]1980
22Latourette, Kenneth ScottAdvance Through Storm : A.D. 1914 and after, with concluding generalizations [7. Aufl.]1980
23Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Nineteenth Century in Europe : Background and the Roman Catholic Phase [= Vol. 1]1969
24Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Nineteenth Century in Europe : The Protestant and Eastern Churches [= Vol. 2]1969
25Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Nineteenth Century outside Europe : The Americas, the Pacific, Asia and Africa [= Vol. 3]1969
26Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Twentieth Century in Europe : The Roman Catholic, Protestant and eastern Churches [= Vol. 4]1969
27Latourette, Kenneth ScottGeschichte der Ausbreitung des Christentums1956
28Latourette, Kenneth ScottA History of Christianity Volume 1 : Beginnings to 1500 [2. Aufl.]1997
29Latourette, Kenneth ScottA History of Christianity Volume 2 : Reformation to the Present [2. Aufl.]1997
30Latourette, Kenneth ScottA History of Christianity1955
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