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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Lang, George HenryEdmund Hamer Broadbent, Saint and Pioneer : recollections and reflections1946
2Lang, George HenryAn Ordered Life : an autobiography1959
3Lang, George HenryThe Churches of God : a treatise for the times ; upon the constitution, government, discipline, and ministry of the Church of God and the pr...1959
4Lang, George HenryThe Last Assize : a review of the doctrines of Universal Restoration, Annihilation, and Eternal Punishment1958
5Lang, George HenryThe Last Assize : a review of the doctrines of Universla Restoration, Annihilation, and Eternal Punishment1958
6Lang, George HenryGod at Work on His Own Lines : as seen in various lands in centuries nineteen and twenty1952
7Lang, George HenryAnthony Norris Groves, Saint and Pioneer : a combined study of a man of God and of the original principles and practices of the Brethren ; w...1949
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