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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Alderson, Richard u.a.Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones : 20th December 1899 to 1st March 19811981
2Kendall, Robert TillmanAll's Well That Ends Well : the life of Jacob1998
3Kendall, Robert TillmanThe Complete Guide to the Parables : Understanding and Applying the Stories of Jesus2004
4Kendall, Robert TillmanGod Meant It for Good1998
5Kendall, Robert TillmanDer Tag, der die Welt veränderte : wie können Christen auf den 11. September 2001 reagieren?2001
6Kendall, Robert TillmanJonah : an exposition1997
7Kendall, Robert TillmanBelieving God : studies on faith in Hebrews 111997
8Kendall, Robert TillmanHe Saves : How to become - and stay - a Christian1988
9Kendall, Robert TillmanThe God of the Bible : A personal introduction based on four years of Spring Harvest Bible Readings1990
10Kendall, Robert TillmanThe Anointing : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow1998
11Kendall, Robert TillmanStand Up and be Counted1984
12Kendall, Robert TillmanTheologie leicht gemacht : Lernen, worauf es ankommt2002
13Kendall, Robert TillmanTithing : A call to serious, biblical giving1983
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