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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Hocking, W. J. u.a.The Bible Treasury : a monthly review of prophetic and practical subjects1969
2Kelly, WilliamAn Exposition of the Epistles of John the Apostle : with a new version1970
3Kelly, WilliamLectures, Introductory to the New Testament1970
4Kelly, WilliamLectures, Introductory to the Old Testament1970
5Kelly, WilliamLectures, Introductory to the Study of the Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and the Revelation1970
6Kelly, WilliamLectures, Introductory to the Study of the Gospels1970
7Kelly, WilliamLectures, Introductory to the Study of the Pentateuch1970
8Kelly, WilliamThe Revelation / expounded by William Kelly1970
9Kelly, WilliamMéditations sur les épîtres aux Philippiens et aux Colossiens1979
10Kelly, WilliamMéditations sur les épîtres aux Thessaloniciens1980
11Kelly, WilliamGottes Hand im Leiden : Betrachtungen über das Buch Hiob [Neudruck]1982
12Kelly, WilliamLa création1969
13Kelly, WilliamGod's Inspiration of the Scriptures1966
14Kelly, WilliamNotes on the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians : with a new translation
15Kelly, WilliamNotes on the Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians : with a new translation
16Kelly, WilliamWas von Anfang war : Betrachtungen über die Briefe des Apostels Johannes1982
17Kelly, WilliamBemerkungen über den Brief an die Kolosser1981
18Kelly, WilliamVorträge über die Versammlung Gottes [3.]1985
19Kelly, WilliamVorträge über das Buch Esrao.J.
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