# |
Person  |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | Aldis, W. H. | The Keswick Convention 1936 : notes of the addresses | 1936 |
2 | Aldis, W. H. | The Keswick Convention 1937 : notes of the addresses | 1937 |
3 | Aldis, W. H. | The Keswick Convention 1938 : notes of the addresses | 1938 |
4 | Aldis, W. H. | The Keswick Week 1946 | 1946 |
5 | Aldis, W. H. | The Keswick Week 1947 | 1947 |
6 | Aldis, W. H. | The Keswick Hymn-Book | 1938 |
7 | Aldis, W. H. u.a. | The Message of Keswick and Its Meaning | 1957 |
8 | Ballhorn, Egbert u.a. | The Psalter as Witness : Theology, Poetry, and Genre ; Proceedings from the Baylor University-University of Bonn Symposium on the Psalter | 2017 |
9 | Bartlett, W. H. | Walks About the City and Environs of Jerusalem | 184. |
10 | Daniels, W. H. | D. L. Moody : his earlier life and work | 1881 |
11 | Gairdner, W. H. T. | Inspiration : a dialogue | 1909 |
12 | Gispen, W. H. | What Is Wisdom in the Old Testament? | 1974 |
13 | Griffith Thomas, W. H. | The Principles of Theology : An Introduction to the Thirty-Nine Articles | 1979 |
14 | Griffith Thomas, W. H. | The Holy Spirit of God | 1964 |
15 | Griffith Thomas, W. H. | The Holy Spirit of God | 1974 |
16 | Hammarskjöld, Dag | Markings | 1964 |
17 | Hutchings, W. H. u.a. | Acts VII. - I Corinthians XVI. | 1908 |
18 | Hutchings, W. H. u.a. | The Sermon Bible : complete in twelve volumes | |
19 | J. W. H. | A. M. Mackay, Pioneer Missionary of the Church Missionary Society to Uganda / by his sister | 1890 |
20 | Lampe, G. W. H. | Cambridge History of the Bible 2 | 1969 |
21 | Pery André | Le Catéchisme de Heidelberg | 1959 |
22 | Pinnock, W. H. | An Analysis of New Testament History : embracing the criticism and interpretation of the original text, the authenticity of its several book... | 1881 |
23 | Schwarz, Dietrich W. H. | Die Kultur der Schweiz | 1967 |
24 | van Wijk-Bos, Johanna W. H. | Making Wise the Simple : The Torah in Christian Faith and Practice | 2005 |