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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Don M. McCurryThe Gospel and Islam: A Compendium1979
2Glasser, Arthur FrederickAnnouncing the Kingdom : The Story of God's Mission in the Bible2003
3Hiebert, Paul G.Evangelism, Church, and Kingdom
4Hiebert, Paul G.Cultural Anthropology1997
5Hiebert, Paul G.Kultur und Evangelium : Schritte einer kritischen Kontextualisierung2005
6Hiebert, Paul G.Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues1994
7Hiebert, Paul G.Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues1994
8Hiebert, Paul G.Metatheology: The Step Beyond Contextualization1988
9Hiebert, Paul G.Partnership in the Gospel : misers, accountants and stewarts1998
10Hiebert, Paul G.Mission et Culture2002
11Hiebert, Paul G. u.a.Understanding Folk Religion : A Christian Response to Popular Beliefs and Practices1999
12Hiebert, Paul G. u.a.Incarnational Ministry : planting churches in band, tribal, peasant, and urban societies1995
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