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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bennett, Robert H. u.a.Missionary Methods : Research, Reflections, and Realities2013
2Hesselgrave, David JohnParadigms in Conflict : 10 Key Questions in Christian Missions Today [3. Aufl.]2007
3Hesselgrave, David JohnMissionarische Verkündigung im kulturellen Kontext : Eine Einführung [2. Aufl.]2010
4Hesselgrave, David JohnReligion, Religions and the Gospel1988
5Hesselgrave, David JohnPlanting Churches Cross-Culturally : North America and beyond2000
6Hesselgrave, David JohnCommunicating Christ Cross-Culturally : an introduction to missionary communication [2. Aufl.]1992
7Hesselgrave, David JohnPlanting Churches Cross-Culturally : a guide for home and foreign missions1991
8Hesselgrave, David John u.a.Contextualization : meanings, methods, and models1990
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