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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Hershey, KathrinDavid and Mephibosheth [Flanell] : 2 Samuel 91972
2Hershey, KathrinDavid Flees and Returns [Flanell] : 2. Samuel 14-191972
3Hershey, KathrinDavid wins a victory [Flanell] : 1 Samuel 171971
4Hershey, KathrinDavid's sin [Flanell] : 2 Samuel 111972
5Hershey, KathrinDefeats and victories [Flanell] : 1 Samuel 27-31; 2 Samuel 1,17-271972
6Hershey, KathrinA Friend and an Enemy [Flanell] : 1. Samuel 18-201971
7Hershey, KathrinGod chooses a king [Flanell] : 1 Samuel 16; 17,34-361971
8Hershey, KathrinGod exalts David [Flanell] : 2 Samuel 2-5; 71972
9Hershey, KathrinGod's forever promise [Flanell] : 2 Samuel 71972
10Hershey, KathrinIsrael chooses a king [Flanell] : 1 Samuel 8-101971
11Hershey, KathrinSauls disobedience [Flanell] : 1 Samuel 12-151971
12Hershey, KathrinDavid spares his Enemy [Flanell] : 1. Samuel 21-24; 261972
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