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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Green, Joel B.Hearing the New Testament : strategies for interpretation1995
2Green, Joel B.The Challenge of Hearing the New Testament1995
3Green, Joel B.Discourse Analysis and New Testament Interpretation1995
4Green, Joel B.The Practice of Reading the New Testament1995
5Green, Joel B.New Testament Theology [NTTh] : The Theology of the Gospel of Luke [7. Aufl.]2004
6Green, Joel B.Scripture and Theology : uniting th two so long divided2000
7Green, Joel B.Crucifixion2001
8Green, Joel B. u.a.The Use of the Old Testament by New Testament Writers1995
9Green, Joel B. u.a.Between Two Horizons : spanning New Testament studies and systematic theology2000
10Green, Joel B. u.a.New Testament Commentary and Systematic Theology : strangers or friends?2000
11Green, Joel B. u.a.Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels1992
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