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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Goldsmith, ElizabethGetting There From Here : how to find your place in God's global picture1995
2Goldsmith, ElizabethAgainst All Odds : God at work in an impossible situation2007
3Goldsmith, ElizabethGod Can Be Trusted2000
4Goldsmith, ElizabethRoots and Wings : five generations and their impact1998
5Goldsmith, ElizabethFear of Water : a young Asian finds true freedom1969
6Goldsmith, ElizabethAuf die Plätze, fertig, los! : der Missionsbefehl und wir ; Entscheidungshilfen für Unentschlossene1981
7Goldsmith, ElizabethGott kann man trauen ... wir haben es erlebt1976
8Goldsmith, Elizabeth u.a.Your Guide to Guidance : finding your way through the Bible, inner peace, events, advice, and much more1995
9Goldsmith, Elizabeth u.a.Serving God Today : Going Places. Kingdom Life. Your Guide to Guidance2000
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